Alison, Matt, Chris, Krysta and I had a very eventful 24 hours in Baltimore this weekend.
Matt's post on the events is concise, well worded and entertaining, just like Matt. I will give you a much much more detailed breakdown of what transpired, as best as I can remember it. Please note: times and conversations are estimates and we walked/cash cabbed everywhere unless otherwise noted.
5pm - Arrive in Baltimore. Meet up with Alison and Matt, head to dinner.
6pm - Dinner with Matt's friends. We went to the Owl Bar, an old speakeasy that had the same feel as a dungeon with creepy owl 'flare' all over. I drink a double white russian and listen to stories about Rock of Love, a show I have never seen. I hear a reference to 'season 1, episode 8' and finish the drink quickly. After talking about television the conversation moved to the internet and podcasting or minidisc casting.
8pm - We roll up to a brewery that seemed like it was in the basement of a basement. I think there was a designated creepy handjob room. I had beer that tasted the way potweed smells. Matt got a drink that proved to have too much flavor going on, a theme of the next 24 hours. The music was impressive and spanned from the Dead Kennedys to Har Mar Superstar.
9pm - We walk around inner harbor trying to ride a water taxi, the rain thwarts this mightily. We instead decide to find a bathroom and end up using the one inside the Hard Rock Cafe Baltimore, a shirt you've never seen anyone wear. A noticably drunk man makes the astute observation that Matt indeed 'Knows whats up.'
10pm- We meet up with Krysta's friends at another bar, and I order a round of drinks for everyone.
1015pm - Everyone is pissed that I ordered nothing but Tuaca and Barenjager (a honey liquor).
11pm - Finished everyone's drinks, make choice selections on the jukebox.
This concludes part one, as this is where things stop being 'normal' and get real Baltimore, real fast.



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