If I had liveblogged this I could have gotten work done today...
So where were we...oh yeah, The Bloody Bucket. A bar that is surprisingly diverse for being all white.
Anyway, since the beer was .83 cents a bottle and didn't taste different enough from PBR for me to care, there was a fair amount of drinking going on.
1am ish - Matt starts singing Heart of Gold by Neil Young. He ad libs his own lyrics and sings the praises of gastric bypass. Chris grabs Alison and says, "let's get up to the front, your man is singing." Someone hands me a shot of Hypnotique, a drink I didn't know was still being made in the US. A drink that should not be made anywhere. Krysta disappears. Turns out she 'feel ill' and had to be taken home.
2am - Matt and Alison get into a conversation with 'Bear' that involved, "This tattoo of a bear was really just to cover up what was there before...69...breakfast of champions. I was going to get teeth and blood on it but i was afraid it would scare the grandkids" Not as much as the idea of grandad 69'n. Anyway, at some point I realize the bar is closing/closed and step outside. I realize that I am outside of a Pepsi bottling plant in some industrial section of Baltimore. The faint smell of 'hitting bottom' wafts up towards my nose and mingles with the scent of either a dumpster or open sewage lines. Apparently, a woman sitting down on a milk crate, talking on a cell phone at 2am asked me if I was gay. I didn't hear this and Matt says that I was staring off half laughing to myself. Meanwhile one of the regular guys at the bar was standing around and a sketchy pool playing thug walks by and regular guy says 'don't worry partner, i dont think she was talking to you' to which sketchy pool playing thug replys 'your problem is that you dont love life.'
Then the rest of team drunk rolls out and 3 of Krysta's friend walk across the street to the pepsi plant and try to get into one of the big trucks. As they climb all over it a cop rolls by...and does nothing.
Niles then decides that he can drive all 7 people back to his place in a chevy calvalier (4-door model). We pile into the car with alison sitting on mean scenester girl, who basically reminded me of the girl in the movie Waiting that is really mean and flashes everyone to gross them out. She flashed no one though and was thus less interesting.
Up soon - Part 4 - Niles house



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