Somewhere around midnight we are told that the place we need to be is called "The Bloody Bucket." Apparently, there is karaoke going down and it's going to be fun. '
When we arrive at a place that is unusually similar to Cruzers in Norfolk. Except instead of a dodgy brick building with a misspelled sign and filled to the brim with Filipinos, this place has no sign at all and is as well lit as your local Sheetz. One might even say that it is filled with sad shmeople downing drinkz. The upside? You can get a 6 pack of National Bohemian for 5 dollars, making it the only place cheaper than Richmond or Laos to drink. Matt also believes this to be a 'tasty beer'. I believe the 'taste' is heavy metals. First, the characters, then the events...

Cast of Characters:

Sketchy pool playing thugs - having difficult time playing pool in small crowded bar, especially when they have to shoot one handed as the other is pulling up their pants constantly. After some discussion it is agreed that they were malnourished as children causing their faces to look like they are constantly being pressed up against a window. Nonexistent window faces.
FGS - There's always one guy that thinks he's the life of the party. This was an overweight guy in his twenties singing every single song, he knew all the words to 'we didn't start the fire', he kept jumping on and off of the chairs, sliding across a floor almost too dirty to walk on, and ruining other people's duets. He made me thankful that my song "I Can't go for That" by Hall and Oates wasn't called.
Bear - An older, heavy set nice gentleman. A true regular of "The Bloody Bucket." He loves singing love songs with his wife and talking about his grandkids/tattoos.
Supporting Characters - Niles, Mean Scenester Girl, Gilligan, and other drunken friends.

I hate long posts and I'm really hungry.
To be continued...



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