Since my birthday fell on a monday this year i decided to have my fun(s) over the weekend.
The ride started with going to The Wave. After a couple of 'cherry bombs' I remember waking up naked on drews futon. Dear Natalie, for that i am actually sorry.
Then I hung out with drew, johnny and lauren at some state park in Norge? It was a-mazing, but it started off terrible. When we got there drew, johnny and I hiked through some closed trail and ended up ankle deep in ticks. Hundreds of ticks lept up to our ankles, filled our shoes, and burrowed into our skin. It was terrible enough for us to run a quarter mile out of the woods instantly. We turned it around and ended up deep in nature, lying on a dock with our feet in the water and watching the sunset. Granted, we checked for ticks every 5 minutes and drew may have dug out a freckle, but it was great.
We then went to the nearest mexican restaurant, called Tequila Rose 2, and ate with the locals, including a guy with a tequila rose tattoo who may have worked there? Then we went back to the park entrance to get drews car, drew thought there was a bear and nearly peed his pants, and I hung around to listen to the frogs at night.
Yesterday was spent reading The Teachings of Don Juan on Fulton Hill by myself. At midnight I was on someones porch eating corn off the cob/grill and drinking sweet tea. Today has been spent running errands and reading bartending guides before work tonight.
I've had a lot of great birthdays, but this one was certainly in the top 5.


  1. Natalie said...

    Dear Jimi,

    Your nudity was pre-ordained. Why do you think I was so adamant about putting those sheets down?

    All I can hope is that you never try to do your one-man "re-imagining" of 2 girls one cup EVAR AGAIN.

    I don't care if it is your birthday.  

  2. jimifoster said...

    i never watched that, but i know it has to do with pooping. i don't recall pooping.  


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